dissabte, 11 d’abril del 2009

My favourite sport: Basketball

Basketball is a team sport. It isn’t a difficult sport if you know the rules. It is a contact sport. It is a nice and a funny sport. It consists of: scoring a basket, (a basket is 2 points), and the team have to defend from another team. The basketball track is divided in 2 parts.
The basketball history:
James Naismith, 1891 in Springfield. The instructor of sport in the YMCA (association of young Christians) specifies the 13 basic rules of basketball. These rules are current, nowadays but they have changed since then.
James Naismith created this sport because of the wind and cold of the winter in Springfield, for the children in the city.
Team, sport:
I practise it on a track. We don’t practice it in a sports hall. Our town is the only one in the province which hasn’t got a sport hall.
I practise it in a team, the Vilafant team. In my team there are 14 players. We play with special clothes; the clothes have got a number; a different number for each player. We play with wide shorts and a wide t-shirt. We play basketball with special trainers. They are stronger trainers
In basketball, you can make 5 faults, defend faults or attack faults. You can’t walk with the ball; you can’t bounce the ball with the 2 hands, you can vote the ball with 1 of your hands.
My favorite basketball player:
My favorite basketball player is Juan Carlos Navarro Feijoo. He plays in the Reale FC Barcelona in the ACB league. He plays with number 7 in the Spanish selection and number 11 in the Reale FC Barcelona. He does a “personal move” called “La bomba”. He played in the NBA league but he prefers the ACB league.

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