dimarts, 16 de juny del 2009

Recipe, a special day.

My birthday day

On my birthday, my mother cooks special food for me. And all the people al home eat the same. And, normally, is a super hamburger! It's fast food, but we don't eat fast food very often, we usually eat healthy food.
This day is very nice. We eat it at dinner time, but before, they give me my presents. This is my perfect dinner.It's a family dinner,

My favourite recipe

 Ingredients: Hamburger, egg, bread, ketchup, lettuce and bacon.

 Utensils: Plate, frying pan and napkins

 Steps: Put the hamburger and the eggs in the frying pan, and fry them. Then put the ingredients in order on the piece of bread. Then, put the ketchup and put the other piece of bread on all the ingredients

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