divendres, 27 de març del 2009


Hi everyone! I'm Paula. I live in Vilafant, Catalonia. But I'm a little bit from Zaragoza because my father is from there. And a little bit from Grabada because the family of my mother is from there.
I'm 13 years old. I've got a sister and I'm going to have an other brother in May, but he isn't from my father. My parents are divorced.
My town, Vilafant, is very beautiful. There are a lot of parks, three schools and one high school, IES de Vilafant, I go there! It is a small high school. There are, only 68 people but we are very good friends!
In the town, there aren't any cars or noise. It is calm and very nice to go for a walk!

dimarts, 17 de març del 2009

Extra writting 2

My second extra writting is about the computer. The "computer habbits".

I love play on the computer, talk in the msn with my friends and listen to music. In my computer I've got a lot of photos too. And I love look it, I've got a lot of regards.
I've got photos of my friends, me, my family...
The computers are very well, and a lot of thiks are free.

Extra writting 1

This extra writting is about the cinema.

In the cinema, I love the pop corns, the salad pop corns. They are very good. They are better than other foods. I like the sweets and candies too.

In the cinema, there are a lot of films, I like the terror films, but the best are the mistery films. There are great!

Writing 4

My name's Paula. I'm twelve years old. I live in Vilafant. I love rock and pop music but I hate reaggeton music.
I can play basketball but I can't play football or volleyball, or I can't run fast. It is very tiring. And I can swim but I can't ice-skate. I can dance and sing.

My friend Nora, is very tall. She can jump very high and run fast! She's a machine! (In the sports)
She loves basketball and skiing. She usually plays football but she always plays basketball.


divendres, 6 de març del 2009

My weekend

My weekend starts on Saturday morning. I get up early because I play a basketball match (we usually lose) but it is fun. Then I have a shower and I go home to have lunch. I relax in the sofa with the computer, the TV or reading a book. In the afternoon, I go walk my dog called Fadric with my sister, I do my homework or I go shopping, Sometimes I meet friends. In the evening I stay at home to do "cinema session" or barely I go to the cinema. I go to bed late. And start next day, Sunday. I get up late, very late. Then I go to the market in Castelló with my grandmother, my mother and my sister, but I rarely buy anything; we only go for a walk. We go home to have lunch and then I finish my homework or we sometimes join the family. On Sundays I go to bed early because the next day I have to go to the high school...

My routine day

Hi Lidia.

I get up in the morning al seven thirty and then I get dressed. I have breakfast. Then I brush my teeth and I comb my hair. I go to high school at quarter to nine. Classes start at nine o'clock. I have lunch al quarter past two and I finish my school time at half past five.

Then I go home to do my homework. I go to out-of-school activities, wich are funky dancing, English learning and playing basketball. When I arrive home I have dinner and then I have a shower. I watch TV for a while and then at ten thirty I go to bed.

In my free time I listen to music, I play on the computer, I read books and magazines, I meet my friends and I play basketball. I like staying with my family, going shopping and going to the cinema.

Every day I take care of my pets: A gog named Fadric and a cat named Neula. I play with both of them an I go for a walk with Fadric.

dijous, 5 de març del 2009


This e-mail is about the favourite grups of muscics of my family.

Hi Lidia!

My family is from two places. My father is from Chiprana, a town in Zaragoza. My mum is from Figueres.
I explain to you the favourite music of everyone:
My dad is Carmelo. His favourite band is La Bordeta or La Bullonera.
My mum is MªÀngels. Her favourite singer is Bebe.
My sister is Maria. Her favourite singer is Hannah Montanah.
And I'm Paula and I don't have a favourite singer or band, I like pop and funky music.
Write soon,