divendres, 6 de març del 2009

My routine day

Hi Lidia.

I get up in the morning al seven thirty and then I get dressed. I have breakfast. Then I brush my teeth and I comb my hair. I go to high school at quarter to nine. Classes start at nine o'clock. I have lunch al quarter past two and I finish my school time at half past five.

Then I go home to do my homework. I go to out-of-school activities, wich are funky dancing, English learning and playing basketball. When I arrive home I have dinner and then I have a shower. I watch TV for a while and then at ten thirty I go to bed.

In my free time I listen to music, I play on the computer, I read books and magazines, I meet my friends and I play basketball. I like staying with my family, going shopping and going to the cinema.

Every day I take care of my pets: A gog named Fadric and a cat named Neula. I play with both of them an I go for a walk with Fadric.

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