divendres, 6 de març del 2009

My weekend

My weekend starts on Saturday morning. I get up early because I play a basketball match (we usually lose) but it is fun. Then I have a shower and I go home to have lunch. I relax in the sofa with the computer, the TV or reading a book. In the afternoon, I go walk my dog called Fadric with my sister, I do my homework or I go shopping, Sometimes I meet friends. In the evening I stay at home to do "cinema session" or barely I go to the cinema. I go to bed late. And start next day, Sunday. I get up late, very late. Then I go to the market in Castelló with my grandmother, my mother and my sister, but I rarely buy anything; we only go for a walk. We go home to have lunch and then I finish my homework or we sometimes join the family. On Sundays I go to bed early because the next day I have to go to the high school...

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